Jacek Krokosz, Rafał Pabiś, Ewa Wiłkojć, Jan Kostecki, Andrzej FudalCHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE 16th – 18th CENTURY GUN BARRELS AND CANNON BALLS FROM AN ARMOURY OF THE ROYAL WAWEL CASTLE IN CRACOW EXAMINED BY X-RAY MICROFLUORESCENCE ANALYSISAbstractThe principles of operation of a portable X-ray microfluorescence analyser of the chemical composition were described. A short characteristic of the Niton device was also given. Examples of chemical compositions of the gun barrels from past centuries examined in different countries were specified and compared with the results of the chemical composition measurements made on the gun barrels kept in an Armoury of the Royal Wawel Caste in Cracow. Keywords: analyser of chemical composition, X-ray microfluorescence, Download 917.8 KB >> |